
Red Roses Triple Scented Room Spray 100ml


A freshly picked bouquet of long stemmed red roses. Luxuriant rich and spicy with a hint of sweet violets and warm musk’s.


The Red Roses room spray will instantly freshen, lighten and transform the feel in any room. In just a few sprays, create a warm, welcoming and comfortable atmosphere. Ideal to use right before guests arrive, simply use a few quick sprays and transform your space instantly.

All room sprays are safe for furniture, furnishings, clothing and are hand poured using the highest quality natural fragrance. Use your room spray to lightly spray on lounges, cushions and linen to freshen your room. Each room spray will last for up to 1,000 sprays! Please note the bottle and packaging will be slightly different to what is pictured.

These highly fragranced room sprays will instantly transform the atmosphere in your home. Each spray is hand poured using the highest quality natural fragrance.

  • 100ml spray bottle
  •  (please note the product now has a coloured box and label on the bottle)

Australian Made